
Helping Couples Build Stronger FamiliesReal Couples – Real Results

“I’ve learned more in the last hour with you, than I learned in three years of counseling with my therapist!” …Susan, Wenatchee, Washington.

“Thank you for referring us to the famous counselor in Minnesota, but we’ve heard that you are the best, so if it’s OK with you, we’d like to fly to Denver to counsel with you.”…estranged couple from Ellensburg, Washington, now back together and in love.

“We didn’t believe that it was possible, but after completing our time in Phase One with you, we tore up the divorce paperwork and my wife is selling her condo and has agreed to move back in and reconcile.” James and Susan, Scottsdale Arizona.

“We would LOVE to be on your prayer team! And help in any way I can… We are, as a couple, a testament of what the Lord can do in marriage.” Aurora Colorado.

“If I had read this material 20 years ago, I would not be divorced today. Thank you so much for helping me learn what went wrong and how to start rebuilding my life again.” Divorce Recovery attendee.

“Our 20 year old daughter attends a college group at our church and they recently were talking about the effects of divorce. She got up in front of everyone and said that even though she’s seen that it hasn’t always been perfect or easy in our marriage, she is soooo glad that her parents have stayed together through the really difficult times. That right there says it all. And while I know that God can use anyone to do a miracle in a marriage, we are so glad that he used you to help save ours.”